Workshops for Leaders and Teams
Take your leadership and teamwork to the next level.

In-person and online versions are now available for your team event or conference.

Mind Mapping for Leaders (Workshop)

In this workshop, learn how to use mind mapping for delegation, project planning, and brainstorming. These three applications will enable you to articulate and prioritize your goals, clearly communicate, generate ideas, and plan. Through interactive exercises, participants will learn the power of visual planning and communication. Add this valuable skill to your leadership tool belt and emerge a confident mind mapper!

Peace and Progress at Work (Seminar)

What does inclusive, emotionally intelligent, intentional leadership really look like in action? Why does it matter? In this seminar with Hilary, participants will explore 10 principles for cultivating a culture of peace and progress. Through discussion and interactive exercises, learn how to put the principles into practice on a daily basis at work for more contentment and success. Learn how mindful leadership can be applied in a practical way to improve your workplace and your mental game.

Creative Team Building (Workshop)

Reinvigorate your leadership and teamwork! Learn creative exercises from the Awake guidebooks that focus on team building and bonding. The exercises you’ll learn and practice in this workshop help to break the ice, build trust, align, foster a positive culture, and connect with your team away from the screen. Emerge with a deeper sense of connection with your team members and exercises for bonding with your team.

Role Mapping

Do you wish you could see all of your work tasks and responsibilities prioritized on a one-page snapshot? Role Mapping is inspired by a visual technique called mind mapping. In this workshop, learn how to make your own Role Map. Learn how to use your Role Map to organize your work and achieve your goals with more ease. Role Mapping is a valuable tool for tracking your progress, showing your contributions, delegating, transitioning roles, and writing job descriptions.

Yoga for Self-Study (Class)

Get moving during this fun event for your whole group! In this all-levels yoga class with Hilary, practice a sequence of yoga poses that will energize your body and ease your mind. Learn foundational yoga poses that you can incorporate into your everyday routine for better wellness. When your mind is most open and bright, we’ll close the session with journaling prompts for reflection.